Taliban attacks activists of PTM in Pakistan

By Sher Wazir in Pakistan

Pakistan has been rocked in recent months by a massive and popular mass movement, based in the Pushtoon part of the population, but one gaining an echo across the whole of Pakistan. Mass rallies have testified to its meteoric growth of the Pushtoon Tahafuz Movement (Pushtoon Protection  Movement) or PTM. In response, the Pakistani state, through its agents in the Pakistani Taliban have sought to suppress the movement, most recently through a violent attack on its leader in South Waziristan. The report here, from Sher Wazir in Pakistan, describes the attack and the background to it.

The Pushtoon Tahafuz Movement (PTM) once again became the target of harsh brutality. At least 8 people were killed and dozens injured in a militant attack on PTM leader Ali Wazir (pictured above) by the so-called “Good Taliban” at South Waziristan agency’s headquarters at Wana on Sunday 3rd June.

The attack came in the light of the growing prominence and political influence of Ali Wazir and the PTM in the whole country, especially in Waziristan. PTM leaders especially Manzoor Pashteen, have been demanding that the State should stop patronizing the Taliban and other non-state actors. After a successful public meeting at Karachi by the PTM, the State has unleashed its worst kind of terror to silence opposition voices. In Waziristan, the Taliban were again installed by the local administration and they were given full security from the, State, said Manzoor Pashteen in a Facebook live stream video.

Due to the so-called ‘sensitive’ situation of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), the locals are not allowed to carry weapons. However, State elements roam in Army vehicles and terrorize local people. In this situation, in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan, a sit-in by people is already underway. The PTM has also announced its grand public meeting at Razmak, South Waziristan.

The Pro-government militant leader Ainullah Wazir is a typical example of those supported  by the State: he is enjoying the hospitality of Army and being used to crush PTM. For some days the Taliban have been trying to terrify local people and victimizing PTM activists in area. Ali Wazir has always stood against the Taliban and their sponsors and has strongly condemned behaviour of their leaders. The Taliban militants always lean on terror to consolidate their authority and crush any opposition movements: hence, in order to prevent their position being damaged by Ali Wazir, he was being attacked.

Zaki Abbas in Pakistan Today described this incident as follows: “… the militants attacked the Mirzalam Khan Wazir Market and the nearby petrol pump, owned by Ali Wazir. However, before the attack, they went to Ali Wazir’s home, armed with guns, and asked him to leave the area and quit PTM. The PTM leader refused to do so. The attack on the market was foiled by a large number of local masses and relatives of Ali Wazir who assembled there to resist the militants. The militants opened blind fire at the activists, injuring scores”.

After the brutal attack of the Taliban militants and security personnel in the town of Wana, the security forces again opened fire on unarmed masses, claimed Manzoor Pashteen on Twitter. Another PTM leader, Mohsin Dawar, has also confirmed the incident, saying the Taliban opened indiscriminate fire at the rally, killing and injuring a number of people. Many critically injured were referred to D I Khan Hospitals which is at least a 4-hour drive away from Wana. The number of deaths may rise, as several of injured are in a critical condition.

This act of barbarism has unleashed a new wave of protests. After the attack thousands of people rushed to safeguard Ali Wazir and he was given a hero’s welcome by people. In the aftermath of the attack, in a spontaneous action, local people rallied and started a protest against the Taliban and their sponsors. People also started burning Taliban offices. In order to calm down the people’s revolt, the Pakistan Army imposed curfew in the area.

PTM leader, Manzoor Pashteen, issued a call for countrywide protests. Almost within few hours protests were organized from Islamabad to Quetta at different cities – showing the determination of PTM supporters to change their living conditions.

Consistent struggle against Taliban terrorism

This attack was not an isolated act against Ali Wazir: he has been a target of these non-state forces because of his consistency in the struggle against terrorism and because he has raised his voice for the emancipation of the masses. Almost all of the notable men in his family were assassinated and his economic livelihood was ruined by the assault. His petrol pump was demolished, the market dynamited; apple and peach orchards in Wana were sprayed with poisonous chemicals and tube wells were filled with dirt to intimidate him. Ali Wazir also took part in parliamentary elections from this area in 2008 and 2013 and although he got most votes, his victory was turned into a ‘defeat’ at gunpoint. But still Ali Wazir did not surrender and has continued his struggle.

PTM leaders have many times made it clear that they are demanding just one right – the right to live. Instead of resolving their grievances, the Pakistan State is crushing them. The PTM have made it clear that they are victims of terrorism and are seeking justice for wrongs and atrocities that they have endured for so long. Instead of resolving their grievances, they are being subjected to the worst victimization through State institutions overtly and covertly. 

From unleashing festering anger at extra-judicial murders to demanding basic human rights for all Pushtuns, the PTM has become a beacon of hope for oppressed and deprived masses across Pakistan. In a short time, it has organized successful public meetings all over country with thousands attendance.

Far from offering any dialogue, the State has sought to to terrorise the PTM and it leans on its colonial legacy to do so. Taxpayers’ money is squandered to carry on a propaganda campaign against the PTM, whose leaders were labelled as ‘foreign agents’ allegedly working against Pakistan.

Mimicking the PTM, upstart movements like the Pakistan Tahfuz Movement were launched to divert masses from the PTM. Many other obstacles have been put in front of the PTM during its campaigns. In Lahore, for example, the venue for a rally was cancelled and on the morning of the rally, 22nd April, attempts were made to sabotage the venue.

Sabotage of PTM rallies

A campaign of confusion and mass propaganda was launched to sabotage the program. Just one night before this meeting, the Punjab police arrested Ali Wazir and other PTM activists and there were many raids in different universities hostels of Lahore. But all these dirty gimmicks together were not able to stop the PTM from holding a successful meeting.

The same kind of sabotage behaviour was repeated for the Karachi public meeting, where the planned venue was cancelled by announcing pro-government jalsas at same venue. Nevertheless, the PTM still held a successful public meeting at an alternative venue. At Sohrab Goth, the State tried to stop Manzoor Pashteen from reaching the meeting venue; he was not allowed to board any flight. Even his rebooked tickets were cancelled by airlines. Despite of all these, he managed to reach the meeting venue by travelling more than 30 hours journey by road and it was most successful rally of PTM so far.

Pashtuns are being profiled as suspected terrorists across the country, facing humiliation at security check posts and innocent civilians facing violence during security sweeps and Army operations. There are also indications that efforts are underway to mobilize sectarian terrorists and other fanatics to counter their peaceful campaign. However, regardless of all hurdles, PTM activists are firm and determined to carry on their struggle till their demands are met.

June 5, 2018

Adapted from the article in Asian Marxist Review:


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