EDL chased from the streets of Worcester

By Andy Fenwick, Worcester Labour Party, personal capacity.

The English Defence League attempt to sow racial division in Worcester last Saturday was shown short shift by hundreds of counter-protests.

The EDL, which has no real base in Worcester, could only manage to ship in 30 supporters from across the whole of the West Midlands, on the basis of ‘no more mosques’ to be built in Worcester. As Goebbels would say, tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth. 

The local Muslim community do want to build a new mosque to replace an old existing one, and it is in the opinion of this writer that the building holds strong aesthetic qualities as   can be seen from the architect’s drawing above.

The EDL had to fortify their courage by commandeering a local pub before setting off on their march. Meanwhile, half a mile away at Elgar’s statue, a counter demonstration was gathering its forces. A cross-section of Worcester came to confront the EDL: young Muslim men and older Jewish workers, Quakers and trade unionists, young students and old Labour Party members.

Unfortunately, the organises had planned for a static demonstration away from the EDL. However, the anger of the young Muslims reached boiling point and these protestors took the leadership of the demonstration and led a quick march to Broad Street to confront the EDL and stop them in their tracks.  This manoeuvre caught out the police, who were left running trying to catch up. This pivotal action turned the whole event on its head, with the majority at Elgar’s statue following the lead given by these young and determined anti-EDL demonstrators.

In Broad Street the police could only initially hold a thin cordon between the EDL and the counter demonstration, which allowed the anger against the EDL to be vented. A few minor scuffles did occur with the Muslim youth taking up the lead again. Within 20 minutes, the police had enough reinforcements to push the EDL back to form a 20-metre corridor and allow a passageway for shoppers to go about their business.

However, some EDL used this route to get behind the anti-EDL protestors in what could only be describe as a ‘turkey-voting-for-Christmas’ strategy. Within seconds, a crowd had fallen upon the hapless racists. It reminded me of Trotsky’s quote “If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.” The baton-wielding police pulled the wretched scrum from the scuffle. As a bloodied fascist foot-solder passed me by, I could not help but say that this was revenge for Steve Hedley being assaulted by Tommy Robinson supporters in London a week ago.

All of this had taken less than an hour, but the police were moving the EDL back. As a parting gift, a few rocks and beer cans were thrown by the departing thugs and with some landing amongst the anti-fascists anger boiled over again as the police seemed to let this go. A chant was started up directed at the police: “if you won’t protect us then stand aside”.

At this point, self-appointed community leaders turned up to remonstrate with the young Muslim men, but if it had not been for the courage and fight burning inside these young Muslims and the leadership they gave to the rest of the community, the day would have been lost to the EDL. Probably without knowing it these young men echoed the historic expression “self-defence is no offense”

I have been on many anti-EDL demonstrations, but this was the most praise-worthy and I am proud that my home town has fought with such determined steel, that the people of Worcester came together under committed leadership to send the fascists scurrying home.

July 23, 2018

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