Fri 9 Nov 2018, 07:13 AM | Posted by editor

Comment from Richard Mellor in California

This video link: is by a guy who has some interesting short historical videos. Here, he explains the undemocratic nature of US politics that although he doesn’t specifically say so, how it is really designed to curtail the electoral power of the US/urban working class.  This is how the Republican Party increased their control of the US Senate, despite receiving some 10 million fewer votes than the Democrats.  Here’s the tally for Tuesday’s vote: Democrats: 40,558,262 (55.4%), Republicans: 31,490,026 votes (43.0%)

The US is certainly NOT a democracy by this measure. 

I like to watch this guy’s videos and it’s clear in this one that he has no understanding how change – serious change – will take place in society and he doesn’t see the working class as a force for that change at all, using the term “Armageddon” to describe the only alternative to changing this current undemocratic situation barring constitutional means. Not helpful. Still, it’s good informative stuff.

Check out his video on the Compromise of 1877 when the Democrats and Republicans made a deal that ended Reconstruction and gave white racist power and Jim Crow the field.  It is known to black folks as the Great Betrayal of 1877. The troops that gave blacks some semblance of protection were withdrawn and white racist violence was given the green light.

Knowing this history will give one an understanding of why black folks have a different view of history and a different view on patriotism and why the degenerate Trump’s “Make America Great Again” is such an insult to them.

From the US website Facts for Working People,

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