Mon 29 Jul 2019, 08:06 AM | Posted by editor
LETTER from Bob Edwards, Harlow Labour Party member
Those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. Which is madder, Donald or Boris? Never mind a ‘batting average’, both Donald and Boris have a ‘batty average’ of 100 per cent.
I think there will be a general election within a few months. The crisis is not yet deep enough for a ‘National Government’. Many Labour MPs are many are appalling, stupid and offensive right-wingers, but they will reason that as long as the Tories aren’t decimated and there’s no chance of a massive Labour majority dwarfing the right-wing.
Also the ‘men in grey suits’ might reason with Labour so there is another referendum. I’ll state now that there is so much anger about Europe and it is swelling.
One snippet that is going around Harlow is that a US-UK trade deal means that American capitalists will want some of the tasty flesh of the NHS. £40 a visit to the doctors being demanded! A friend of mine who is worried that Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell are going to tax him more is a bit of a hypochondriac who goes to the doctors several times a month. A few £40 payments and he will be losing a lot more than he would lose from Corbyn and McDonnell!
By the way, the only hope the ‘grey suits’ had for a future dampening of a Labour victory, Nigel Farage, has totally failed. The Peterborough by-election showed that! Don’t forget that Peterborough is a key marginal and Labour’s expelled MP was a crook!
Back in the 1980s I led a Young Socialist weekend school in Peterborough and we turned the election around. Even the red light district was infected with the young socialists’ enthusiasm! Has that enthusiasm been achieved ever since? In Liverpool Walton? Brighton?
July 29, 2019