“After four months, we’re all starving!”

Mon 19 Aug 2019, 03:45 AM | Posted by editor

LETTER from Tom Smith, Newport West Labour Party

The workers of Britain face two islands.  One you can reach that has enough food to last a month, the other there is enough for three months.  The first represents the hard Brexit, the second is that of remaining.  The result is the same, after four months we are all starving.

Inside or outside the EU, Britain cannot escape the world recession and cannot escape global warming.  The Labour task is raise this level of understanding amongst the rank and file and fight for the anti austerity programme here in the UK and throughout Europe. 

We know that a trade deal with the United States will privatise the NHS and crush food standards.  The weak manufacturing base will be crippled by tariffs to the EU and farming hammered.  Paperwork will lead to queues of lorries and a threat to imported food stuffs.  The Tory party is now a hopeless nationalist heap of reactionary thinking that has big business representatives in despair.  The liberals suck up support from the Remain panic and hope to attract labour right wingers. 

All this can be economically exposed of course but I need only one example to demonstrate the hopeless understanding of Tories. 

At the end of the Second World War, the United States represented fifty percent of world GNP and was the world’s biggest lender.  Today it is about twenty five percent of world GNP and is the world’s biggest debtor.  Workers in the U S have not seen a real increase in wages for twenty years.  Of course the US is still a colossal power but has seen a relative decline.  How then can the puny UK transform its decline into the land of milk and honey?  It cannot even gain a balance of payments surplus.  International capital demonstrates its thinking by a declining pound.  

However this brief note at least has some hope.  Fox News attempted to report on the US women’s football team.  As he chatted away over the noise in a bar those women uttered the immortal words that provided me with a morsel of comfort.  They bawled out, “F*** Trump!”  

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