Thu 3 Oct 2019, 08:17 AM | Posted by editor

LETTER from Mark Langabeer, member of Newton Abbot Labour Party.

ITV’s ‘Tonight programme examined the growing crisis in social care under Tory Britain. Presenter, Richard Bacon travelled to Norfolk, where the council are implementing cuts in social care of around £9 million. He interviewed a mother of a severely-disabled son who needs full -time care. Previously, care was free but now the council are charging £31 a week, with the prospect of further charges in the future.

Care in England is means-tested. The programme reports that those with savings of less than £14,250 receive free care. Those that have savings of more than £23,250 will have to pay all of their care costs. As a consequence, many elderly people requiring residential care are often forced to sell their homes and in the last 20 years, 330,000 were sold to pay for care costs. With an ageing population, this situation is likely to worsen.

Bacon interviewed a residential care provider who stated that funding from local authorities is based on care work being unskilled, paid barely more than minimum wage. It takes a special type of person to undertake the duties of a care worker. As a result, the providers suffer staff shortages and often beds are left empty. This is impacting on those that are in desperate need of residential care.

What are the Government planning to do about the growing problem of social care? The answer appears to be nothing. Some years back, the Dilnot Review suggested that residential care should be free after £35,000. The Government has failed to act on his proposals. They have announced a further spending of £1 billion in social care recently, but as an expert pointed out, over £8 billion has been cut from social care budgets.

North of the border, social care is free for all. This should apply to all in the UK. The Tories priority is tax cuts that mainly benefit the already super-wealthy and the large corporations. Labour has promised to make social care free for the over 65s. It’s one of many reasons why we need a Labour Government. It was said (wrongly in my opinion), by some, ‘Why bother to vote, they’re all the same’. A General Election is imminent and the choice couldn’t be clearer. Labour to power with SOCIALIST POLICIES.

The ITV programme on social care is still available through catch-up TV.

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