Protest letter sent to Irish newspapers over BBC election bias

Tue 10 Dec 2019, 09:01 AM | Posted by editor

LETTER sent to the main newspapers in Northern Ireland, by Harry Hutchinson, EC member, Labour Party Northern Ireland

The BBC bias and propaganda reporting has not gone unnoticed in this election. Allegations of anti-Semitism, election polls and not covering Labour’s huge rallies are just some of the distorted coverage that the BBC report and don’t report.

The BBC choose to use YouGov as its indicator. In the first Corbyn/ Johnson debate the BBC described the outcome as a “draw”, quoting the YouGov poll, which give Johnston a 2% advantage. This YouGov poll was carried out on just over 1600 people. However, alternative polls by Britain Elects, Paul Brand and Martin Lewis, carried out on 30,000 people, showed Corbyn winning the debate by more than a 2-1 margin. Even The Times poll on 8000 people, showed 63% for Corbyn to 37% for Johnson.

The BBC’s broadcasting never show the tens of thousands who turn up to Corbyn election rallies throughout Britain, concentrating their coverage on Corbyn himself and a few individuals.

Anti-Semitism has been the main target focus of the BBC to attack Labour; continued recently in their coverage of the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, a close friend of the genocidal Netanyahu and the Conservative Party, who claimed Corbyn is “unfit to govern.”

Members of the Jewish Voice for Labour have staged protests outside the BBC. The JVL have claimed the BBC have used the election to “manufacture news” that is “unbalanced and uncritical” and accuse the BBC of blatant bias in the election.

This Corporation is the mouthpiece of Johnson’s Tories, and the propaganda protector for the corrupt capitalist system. It needs brought under the control of the people.

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