Fri 17 Jan 2020, 04:52 AM | Posted by editor

LETTER from Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour Party

As regards the two-part documentary entitled, The Church’s Darkest Secret, mentioned in your article, a few more points need to be added.

The report on Ball that finally emerged in 2009 concluded that Ball was an abuser and 20 people came forward to testify  to that effect. Tragically, one of the main victims of the abuse, Neil Todd, later committed  suicide. His father and sister stated that his only interest  was to help others. He went on to become a nurse. They blamed not just Ball, but the entire Church hierarchy  for his death. In fact, the entire establishment should take responsibility, including Carey, who remains to this day a member of the House of Lords.

In the end Ball was convicted and sentenced to 32 months in prison. He served 16 months and died last year. He was a sexual predator who had been given support by the Church hierarchy, judges, senior Tories and the future king. Ball was simply one of their own. It use to be said that the Church of England is the Tory Party at prayer. They certainly earned that title during the 2019 General Election. Welby, the current Archbishop of Canterbury, also added his two pence-worth, with the false accusation that Corbyn and Labour are institutionally anti-Semitic. 

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