By John Pickard After coming across a review in the Financial Times of Varlam Shalamov’s two books of short stories, about his experiences in the Russian gulags,
Month: February 2020

This meeting report is reproduced from a Facebook post by Gareth Murphy, here. Keir Starmer was on at The Roundhouse [Camden] on Sunday afternoon. I live

By Orly Nov Billboards posted across Tel Aviv showing Palestinian leaders blindfolded and on their knees, reveals what many Israelis think. Over the last week,

by Richard Mellor in California Here we go again in the topsy-turvy world of US (capitalist) politics. As I pointed out in an earlier post,

It is time to sit up and take notice when a ‘consultant’ with a history of racist and misogynistic commentary like Andrew Sabisky is appointed

By Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour Party member Liza William’s, a film maker, has conducted a three-part investigation into the bludgeoning of over twenty women by

By John Pickard The latest national Left Horizons discussion meeting last week in Doncaster was the best ever. The attendance, at 28, was the best yet, and

This letter, circulating on social media, was original printed on the MondoWiess website here. It is a powerful letter, debunking so much of the anti-Semitism campaign

By Joe Duffy, Dublin Trades Council, personal capacity All has changed, changed utterly; a terrible beauty is born (WB Yeats, September1913) Dear oh dear! What’s happening

By Harry Hutchinson, member, Labour Party Northern Ireland Holding the general election on a Saturday, for the first time since 1918, may have played a