Sat 28 Mar 2020, 05:09 AM | Posted by editor
LETTER from Tom Smith, Newport West Labour Party
The IMF has openly stated that we are now in recession. Various economists go on to predict how long the recession will last. One major factor will the length of time the epidemic will last. One thing is certain, the big billionaires will make workers pay.
Several have stated that, of course, many workers will die if they return to work at this time but it, apparently, is worth it. One commentator, with only a fortune of ninety million dollars, stated that he himself would rather die than see the American economy collapse. A nurse I know would gladly let him visit a ward stuffed with sick patients if he promises to take a deep breath.
Another three years of Trump?
Trump reflects this crazed view, along with a dose of racism and populism that has even appalled the leaders of other states. In many ways these billionaires and populist leaders represent the future. It is even possible that we could get another four years of Trump, if the Democrats have no convincing alternative. Can Joe Biden even remember any of his lines? American workers need their on own party.
There is no doubt the owners of the right wing press and television channels will look at every way to divide workers along nationalist lines. Italy proves the point. EU leaders refused to help Italy and paved the way for Russia, China and Cuba to send aid in terms of materials and doctors, to the alarm of America. The ‘enemies’ are gaining credibility with Italian leaders whilst the EU is creaking along with border restrictions. Each of the member states are concentrating on their own survival as the principles of a capitalist EU are dumped for the time being.
People being thrown out of their homes
Meanwhile, in the UK, there are other dangers. The self-employed must wait until June for any support. Some workers will fall through the cracks and receive little or nothing from the state. The over-worked civil servants cannot deal with the massive number of calls. Even the banks have to cut back hours and the queues waiting for phone consultations is simply massive. The numbers not even being recorded of how many people are being thrown out of rented homes.
Now we are informed that Virgin Airways is going to ask for a handout of billions of pounds. A commentator asked Labour MP Barry Gardner what he thought about it. He replied that it was a cheek, given Virgin’s treatment of the work force. That answer reveals so much. There was no mention of a case for nationalisation including the airports. Unfortunately, many Labour MPs would drag the party into cooperating with the Tories, perhaps on health-care, and so Ramsey McDonald lives.
Leading workers into a blind alley
The Labour leadership is not offering an economic analysis of the world economy. It is not offering a political programme of a socialist nature to people and therefore it is helping lead workers into a blind alley. Labour MPs are merely protesting, at best.
Wherever workers organise, the Left Horizons ‘No Going Back’ set of demands come into play. Wages, jobs, health, rents mortgages, education, university fees, prices and pensions are all issues that workers face. However, the number one duty of all socialists is to forewarn.