By Michael Roberts In my previous post on inflation, I spelt out why mainstream theories of inflation have been proved wrong empirically; leaving mainstream economics in a
Year: 2020

By John Pickard, Brentwood and Ongar Labour member At the stroke of a pen, in an announcement to a Tory think-tank, Health Minister Matt Hancock,

By John Pickard Leon Trotsky’s assassination eighty years ago this week was a vain attempt to suppress the political ideas that he represented, embodying the

By Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour member A documentary which is still available on i-player, called The unwanted: The Secret Windrush Files, has provided clear evidence that

By John Pickard, President of Central Essex NEU, personal capacity The Tories have been forced into a humiliating climb down after their fiasco on A-level

By Richard Mellor in California So Joe Biden has chosen California Senator, Kamala Harris, for his running mate. Most people assumed he would pick a

By Michael Roberts Is inflation going to rise once the lockdowns from the pandemic have been relaxed? Mainstream economics has no idea. For a start,

By Louise Atkinson, NEU national executive member, personal capacity A quarter of a million six-form students have got their A-level results today, but their results

By Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour member. Modern day Iraq is practically a ‘failed state’, incapable of providing basic services for the majority of its

By John Pickard Public information published on the Treasury’s own website is a crushing vindication of the truth that Private Finance Initiative (PFI) schemes are