Sun 26 Jul 2020, 09:11 AM | Posted by editor LETTER from Tom Smith, Newport West Labour member The Tories in parliament have voted for trade
Year: 2020

by Michael Roberts We’ve had the argument that the major global issue of the 21st century is the growing trade and technology war between the US

The election process for the reserved CLP positions on Labour’s NEC has started and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance has put forward a slate of only

By Michael Roberts Most discussions on inequality, whether between nations globally or within nations, take place around income. Data and papers on inequality of income
Tue 14 Jul 2020, 09:01 AM | Posted by editor LETTER from Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour member Next weekend would have been the Tolpuddle Martyrs

By Joe Langabeer, Lincoln Labour Party member With the original Broadway musical, Hamilton, recently making its debut on the Disney+ channel, another confirmation of its continuing
Sat 11 Jul 2020, 04:03 AM | Posted by editor LETTER from Tom Smith, Newport West Labour member The whole programme of Chancellor Rishi Sunak is

By Michael Roberts Last week, the Conservative Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, presented a plan to support businesses and workers as Britain emerges from the pandemic lockdown.

[We don’t normally reproduce articles in full from other non-socialist websites, but an article in the US journal Atlantic¸ by James Fallows, deserves to be read in its entirety

By John Pickard It is a pity that the on-line Financial Times shelters behind a pay wall. Because some of its articles contain real political dynamite, the