By Richard Mellor in California I want to point out something here. The two horrible scum shown in this video are right to be targeted as the filth
Year: 2020

By John Pickard Anyone acquainted with the famous advice of Leon Trotsky, that in dealing with fascists we should “acquaint their heads with the pavement”,

By Michael Roberts Stephanie Kelton is professor of economics and public policy at Stony Brook University, a former Chief Economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee

By Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour Party member Andrew Marr’s final programme on the history of modern Britain starts with the replacement of Thatcher with

By Michael Roberts In a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) virtual meeting, the ageing heir to the British monarchy, Prince Charles, spoke with IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva. Charles’s

By Jack Gerson, retired California teacher On May 25 George Floyd was murdered by the Minneapolis police, pinned to the ground and strangled, a knee

By Joe Langabeer, Lincoln Labour CLP member As pride month begins, we see a constant number of corporations changing their logos to the colours of

By Phil Frampton, member of Manchester Withington CLP Keir Starmer’s alarming response to the Covid disaster has been to call for a Government Public Inquiry.

By Richard Mellor in California “The opportunity to use active-duty forces in a law and enforcement role should only be used as a matter of

By Alessandra @alessadavison [This article is made up completely of a series of tweets by Alessandra and they are copied and pasted here as they appeared