Tue 31 Mar 2020, 08:20 AM | Posted by editor Workers learn from experiences LETTER from Tom Smith, Newport West CLP member Workers learn from events.
Year: 2020

Richard Mellor in California The Coronavirus pandemic continues apace in the US as today’s figures show. There are at least 155,252 cases of coronavirus in the US,

If the Tory government had been honest from the beginning, it would have been better for them. Boris Johnson would have said something like this,

By Michael Roberts If all country pandemics were the same, then the figure in the graph (left) would show how this pandemic will come to

In our first editorial on the coronavirus pandemic on March 3, we made the point that “its effects are only just beginning”. Since then, the scale of the

By Harry Hutchinson, EC member, Labour Party Northern Ireland The Government coronavirus strategy is to maintain a countrywide lockdown until the virus peaks, remove restrictions

By Joe Langabeer, Enfield South LP and BECTU member An article in The Guardian entitled, ‘’Stressed, sick and skint’ described how coronavirus is hitting Arts workers. It gives
Sat 28 Mar 2020, 05:08 AM | Posted by editor LETTER from Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour Party member The BBC2 science-based programme, Horizons, gave an
Sat 28 Mar 2020, 05:09 AM | Posted by editor LETTER from Tom Smith, Newport West Labour Party The IMF has openly stated that we are

By Richard Mellor in California, retired member of the Afscme union, Local 444 I remember being on picket lines back in the 1980’s and 90’s as