By Richard Mellor in California This is Jack Maltester, the former Mayor of my town situated a little south of Oakland California; he passed away
Month: March 2021

By Cain O’Mahony Feudal England should have been a very stable society. The key architect of the transition from slave-based society to feudalism was Fulk

By Michael Roberts March 5 2021 was the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rosa Luxemburg, the great revolutionary socialist of the Polish-German labour movement. Luxemburg’s

By Cintia Frencia and Daniel Gaido From Jacobin Magazine, 2017 In 1894, Clara Zetkin took to the pages of the Social Democratic women’s magazine Die Gleichheit (Equality), which she had

By Alec Price, NHS worker, UNISON member I have a lot of feelings about the governments NHS pay offer, which I listened to as I

We cannot let March 5 go by without paying tribute to one of the greatest socialists produced by the German labour movement, Rosa Luxemburg, who

The attitude of the press to Sunak’s budget this week was largely neutral, typified by The Guardian’s “spend now, pay later” headline. For most workers,
Meeting Report from Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour Member Over 1000 people attended a zoom meeting on March 1st, organised as part of Arise –

By Michael Roberts The UK economy was the hardest hit of the top G7 economies in the year of the COVID. Real GDP fell 9.9%,

A whole world is out there, like another planet, far removed from the daily lives of 99 per cent of the population. It is a