This was posted on Twitter by the CWU:

Our negotiators are currently in the room with Royal Mail Group and this happens. We need the public to see this so please share as much as you can #StandByYourPost

Today the CWU leadership agreed to meet Royal Mail Group to open discussions on a route to a resolution to the current dispute. Your elected officials are in the room now, as we speak.

Whilst they are in the room, Royal Mail Group have held a conference call with all managers and issued statements in workplaces across the UK.

Amongst the headlines in their comms are:

– notice to be given on a range of national agreements.

– notice to be given on elements of agenda for growth (legal protections)

– notice to be given on IR Framework

– a move from negotiations with your union to ‘consultation’

– a new CWU reps structure

This is:

1. An all-out attack on your union.

2. The start of a move to ensure they can attack you at local level without any challenge.

3. The beginning of their plan to make Royal Mail Group a gig economy standard employer.

And all of this has been issued whilst your representatives walked into the room in good faith to open talks.


We will of course get word from our representatives as soon as the ‘talks’ finish and no doubt communicate further today.

For now, the best response everyone can give is to make it crystal clear to management that you will not be bullied and that you will be supporting strike action next week and beyond.

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