Letter from John Wake in Harlow
Dear Editor
I would like to thank Robert Halfon MP for Harlow and his Conservative colleagues for their new budget, which will cut the taxes of the rich and cut the benefits of the poor.
It is estimated that those with an annual income of one million pounds will each be better off by £55,000 per annum, whereas some low paid workers in receipt of Universal Credit will have their incomes reduced.
It is only right that poor people with trivial concerns such as feeding their children should make sacrifices in order that rich people can continue to afford to pay for private school fees for their children, holiday homes and yachts.
I was a little concerned a few years ago when Mr Halfon was claiming that the Conservative Party is a workers’ party. I would be grateful if he would thank his colleagues in the government for confirming that the Conservative Party is indeed the political wing of the bourgeoisie.
Nye Bevan, the founder of the National Health Service, once described Conservative politicians as “lower than vermin”, but I am sure that he would revise this opinion were he alive today.
Yours sincerely
John Wake