Letter from Mike, a recent migrant to Canada Mike was a Unite shop steward who recently moved to Canada and here he gives his thoughts
Year: 2023

By Michael Roberts In Q2 2023 the Chinese economy expanded by 6.3% year-on-year, up from 4.5% yoy recorded in Q1. Sounds strong, but quarterly growth

After scraping home in the by-election in Uxbridge, Rishi Sunak thinks he is onto a good thing pretending to be the ‘friend of the motorist’.

TV review: electric cars and the ‘market’
By Mark Langabeer, Hastings and Rye Labour member. There is a very good new BBC series on the issues around ‘zero-carbon’ and the first, on

By Michael Roberts Both the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank raised their policy interest rate again this week. The Fed rate now stands

By Deborah Harrington Labour’s Mission driven government: building an NHS fit for the future outlines precisely the kind of population health management approach which is

The Nationalist Campaign Against Migrants in Russia
A report from Sergey Sokolov in Russia The special military operation in Ukraine has forced our regime to play with Russian nationalism. Failures at the

Dr Lorraine Grimes, of Maynooth University, in Ireland, examines the scandal of the repatriation of thousands of unmarried women and girls from Britain to Ireland

By Guerry Hoddersen After the Civil War, Radical Republicans in Congress passed legislation that required the Confederate states to swear loyalty to the Union and

Comment on the results of the recent general election, by Jordi Escuer (Manifiesto por el Socialismo and IU, Madrid) The defeat of the right in