By Liverpool docker.

Liverpool University students, along with thousands of others around the country, have joined in the global protests against the genocidal assault on Gaza by the government of Israel. They set up a protest camp in May, calling for an immediate ceasefire and freedom for Palestine.

Although the camp has been maintained ever since, it is now suffering increasing police harassment and needs the support of the labour movement. The following is the text of a letter sent to the students from Tony Nelson of the Casa in Liverpool (a community hub set up by the Liverpool dockers locked out and sacked in 1995).


Liverpool University – Opposing the Genocide of the Palestinian People.

It is with great concern that we hear about the disgraceful actions of the Liverpool police towards the Students involved in the Liverpool Pro Palestinian Encampment opposing the horrific genocide of the Palestinian People. 

Students the world over have a proud record of fighting against oppression and injustices carried out against innocent men, women and children. Who can forget the support they gave to the people of Vietnam and South Africa during their historic struggles.

The caring people of the world are watching what is going on in Palestine, as well as the way countries and their governments are dealing with the world-wide demonstrations and the brave people taking part in those protests, like the students at the Pro Palestine Encampment at Liverpool University.

When all the facts are revealed about the slaughter going on in Palestine, the Pro Palestine Encampment at Liverpool University and all the other brave demonstrators will be seen to be on the right side of history, unlike the Liverpool police and all the other quislings supporting the evil deeds of the Israeli government.

Victory to Liverpool University students at the pro-Palestine encampment and all the courageous people of Palestine.

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