Mark Langabeer (Hastings and Rye Labour member) watched the recent Channel 4 Dispatches documentary [watch the programme here]

It seems more than likely that Labour will win at the polls and form the next government. One of its priorities is improving the NHS. In this shocking programme, an undercover reporter takes up a post at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital as a trainee Health Care Assistant and soon discovers the pressures that the Accident and Emergency department face.

He reports that patients are left in corridors because of the lack of space in A&E. There are often queues of ambulances waiting for availability and those that are considered as fit to sit are left to wait for treatment. The periods of time can be days in some cases. 

The causes of the crisis are growing demand and insufficient capacity. According to one healthcare professional, hospitals are at 94% of full capacity and the lack of beds and staff  causes a logjam in A&E. The target for all patients, is to be seen within four hours. At the Royal Shrewsbury, only around 60% are seen within that period.

Premature deaths

Dispatches state that over 400,000 patients in England wait longer than the targets set. In some cases, this has resulted in premature deaths. The programme interview a partner of a guy who had  a stroke which had not been diagnosed and by the time a doctor arrived, it was too late to save him. Longer waiting times have resulted in greater numbers of excess deaths. Coroners reports suggest that this has doubled from last year. 

The reporter broke down in tears after one patient was given a bottle to pee in, while in full view of around 30 people. He described it as stripping away of people’s dignity.

Other issues were highlighted. Routine observations were often missed and hygiene was often lacking. Shortcuts were inevitable because of staff shortage. A healthcare spokesperson stated that it would cost billions of pounds to sort this out.

NHS ruined

The Tories have ruined the NHS and alongside the cost of living crisis, and this is the reason why so many want to see them booted out. The Labour leadership claim that they will turn this around.

However, sticking to Tory fiscal rules means that they are unlikely to succeed. The result will be widespread disappointment and opening the door for private healthcare, advocated by the right-wing of the Tory Party and the so-called Reform Party.

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