From Steve McKenzie, a Unite Community member

Genuine trade unionism is militant, principled and determined action based on backbone, self-respect and a collective consciousness. It is the workers’ first step in standing up and fighting back against capitalist exploitation and the humiliation and degradation that goes with it. [Photo shows a CWU picket from the recent strike wave]

It is the start of a process of gaining the confidence and awareness that, in turn, leads to drawing the political conclusions that will be essential in bringing about  change and the socialist transformation of society we so desperately need. 

As a result of this, employers and the establishment fear genuine trade unionism which is why, over the last 150 years, they have practiced the strategy of “buying off” trade union leaders to neuter it. 

Corporate trade unionism

They have promoted corporate trade unionism which is the polar opposite of genuine trade unionism, and is its mortal enemy, deliberately designed to block it. 

The employers’ and the establishment’s approach to up-end a real trade union fight-back is based on principles of individual greed, selfishness and the pursuit of self-interest. Their collaborators are, in the main (but not exclusively), right wing trade union leaders. It manifests itself at a national, regional and local level. Unelected, well-heeled trade union officers are its main advocates and practitioners, but even at the level of a shop steward or staff rep, employers will still flatter to deceive and give concessions to buy acquiescence. 

Principles and ethics are alien and hostile concepts to this group. Its main manifestation is union officials colluding with the employers and the establishment. They let down union members on individual and collective issues doing underhand deals and selling out disputes. It could mean withdrawing union support for an individual member with a legitimate case, or selling a collective dispute short.

Historically, this has meant, when it comes to major issues, corporate trade unionism is the capitalists’ last line of defence. The 2010/11 public sector pensions dispute or the miners dispute back in of 1984/85, or even the General Strike of 1926, are some of the prime historical examples.

But make no mistake about it, corporate trade unionism exists at all levels and is failing workers on a daily basis the length and breadth of the country.

Genuine trade unionism always puts the interest of the members first. It is generally rank and file led, although there have also been some outstanding left wing union leaders, most of who have worked their way up through the ranks.

Corporate trade unionism always puts the vested self-interest of mainly unelected union officers and the union apparatus first. This means placating employers for an easy life. This approach is designed to maintain the status quo. 

Mutually antagonistic trends

These two kinds of trade unionism are mutually antagonistic trends within the trade union movement. As a result, there is a constant battle within the unions between the well-heeled, unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy, and the honest, principled rank and file activists, who haven’t (yet!?) been bought off. 

Unelected national bureaucrats on six figure salaries, very generous conditions of service and gold plated pensions, do prioritize defending jobs, wages and conditions – their own! 

That means controlling the union apparatus, the milch cow that provides the jobs that in turn maintain the privileged lifestyle. Such officials have very different priorities to the shop stewards in the workplace, who are often in low paid jobs and who often face victimisation from the employers for standing up for workers’ rights. 

At the moment, corporate trade unionism holds sway in most unions, and the rank and file have a job of work to do democratising and making the unions fit for purpose.

There are not enough activists in the movement yet who are committed to genuine trade union principles This needs to change. It’s time to get involved in your union, to stand up and fight back.

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