Was a successful treatment suppressed?

by Harry Hutchinson, member, Labour Party Northern Ireland.

A successful treatment for Covid-19 has been known for some time and although not a cure, results have been impressive. Yet the treatment has been concealed from the public.

Dr David Brownsteid, from Michigan USA, is a family practitioner and author of several books on medicine. He claims to have successfully treated Covid 19 patients by boosting the immune system with multi-vitamins, particularly vitamin-D and Iodine, on top of the usual treatment of the virus. Of all the patients he treated, none died and only a few needed transferred into ICU.

Could be introduced without delay

Indeed, a letter in the British Medical Journal, from a retired Professor in Food Science, paid tribute to Brownstein’s work. “The success of Dr Brownstein is highly significant”, he wrote, “because it provides an explanation of why people are susceptible to Covid-19. More importantly, the protocol is not difficult to apply and indicates a way forward for the authorities…There is no question that the approach is successful. The results are comparable with what could be achieved by a vaccine but have the huge advantage that they could be introduced without any delay.”

Similar studies were carried out at the Sofa University hospital in Codoba, Spain, by Dr Mobeen Syed, who carried out tests on 76 patients who had contacted the Covid. Fifty of the patients were given Vitamin D and other supplements and 26 were given none. All received the usual treatment for the virus. Like the treatment in Michigan, the results were impressive. Of the fifty who received the additional vitamins only one needed ICU treatment and there were no deaths. Of the 26 who were not given Vitamins, thirteen needed ICU treatment and two died.

Doctor’s blog closed down

But when Dr Brownsteid published his findings on his blog, the US Federal Trade Commission (FDC) immediately acted and instructed his blog to be shutdown, threatening Brownsteid with imprisonment if he disclosed his findings. Dr Brownsteid has since gone public on the findings, risking court action.

Since the outbreak of the Covid pandemic, governments in the US, Britain and also Brazil have frustrated all attempts to bring the virus under control, ignoring their own health experts and the World Health Organisation. Instead these governments have followed the guidance of their party corporate donors.

NPR, an American privately and publicly funded non-profit media organisation, found that the US government granted contracts worth $25bn to 250 companies, without competitive tendering and many with no experience of health equipment. The NPR also found companies purchasing equipment from China and passing this imported equipment onto hospitals.

Big Pharma making Big Profits

Several big pharmaceutical companies also stand to benefit greatly from this pandemic; companies like Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson and Moderna, stand to make billions on producing a vaccine with contracts already agreed with Trump. Even manufacturers of weapons – with no experience in health care or supply – have been handed multi-million-dollar contracts to produce medical equipment.  With the decimation of the High Street, on-line corporate giants like Amazon have seen their shares rocket. Amazon is making $11bn a day as the shutdown closes high Streets.

The picture is similar in Britain. According to the Financial Times, the British Government has handed out 400 contracts from the start of the pandemic to June. Many of the contracts were signed at speed and without competitive tendering. Test centres run by G4S, Sodexo, Serco, Mite, Boots are worth £11bn. Contracts for PPE and food parcels by Deloitte, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Ernest and Young are worth £1.1bn. All of them Conservative Party donors. Testing kits were contracted to Randox, who employ Conservative MP Owen Patterson for £100 an hour, and who donated £160,000 to the Tories between 2011 and 2018.

Contracts handed out to Tory donors

Firms have been contracted to “monitor public attitudes” and “behaviour” during this pandemic – like Hanbury Strategies, co-founded by Dominic Cummings, with a £900,000 contract. Others, like Public First, owned by associates of Cummings and Gove, like Faculty, used in the Vote Leave Campaign. have been contracted to “deliver the Government message” for nice sums of money. Again, all Conservative Party donors or associates.

The pandemic is costing the Government over £30bn a month. Already the national debt has exceeded £2tn, more than the GDP for the first time in Britain’s history. All at the expense of lives, the economy, small businesses and jobs. There has never been such squandering and corruption of public funds. Irrespective of genuine scientific inquiry or research looking into a vaccine or successful treatments of Covid 19, the Government in Britain and the US seem determined to let this pandemic runs its course and make profits from it.

October 29, 2020

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