Tory candidates for leadership battle

Thu 30 May 2019, 09:37 AM | Posted by editor

LETTER by Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour Party.

We are living in extraordinary times. As Left-Horizons has explained, political volatility is the name of the game. Batman, when referring to his evil foe, The Joker, said, “Expect the unexpected”. Almost every day, there is a new twist on the Brexit saga. It’s a reflection of the special crises of British capitalism.

May’s resignation will only deepen the fault lines within the Tory Party. Most of the runners for the leadership are willing to entertain a no-deal Brexit. This is an anathema for the majority of big business. Stewart (against no deal), stated that he wouldn’t serve in a Boris Johnson cabinet. Hammond, the Chancellor, has warned his party against taking the path of no-deal. Hunt has stated that the consequences will be Corbyn in number 10 by Christmas.

Hunt’s assessment in my opinion is 100% correct. Marxism, in my view, is simply the memory of the working class. Only a Labour Government, committed to bringing the banks and large companies into public ownership, with the active participation of its workforce, can secure a decent future for all in Britain. 

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