Letter from Sarah Gale

It’s Kafkaesque – privileged elites, who slaughter wildlife with impunity, are now claiming victimhood and say their cruelty should be protected under equality laws. Why blood sport sadists should be protected any more than they already are is beyond lamentable. 

This makes a mockery of those who actually face discrimination on a daily basis. Apart from the pain and suffering they inflict on wildlife – let’s not forget that their dogs are treated abominably as well. This secretly filmed video shown on ITV, [the picture above is from this video] shows a kennel-master shooting hounds that are no longer needed.

It’s not just fox hunting that causes harm to defenceless animals. In an interview  years ago, Chris Packham explained that grouse hunting increases wildlife crime. For example, hunters are illegally killing many birds of prey, including hen harriers, peregrines, buzzards, red kites, goshawks, and even a barn owl. Grouse hunting also persecutes weasels and stouts, crows, foxes, and red squirrels. Traps often kill these animals slowly and painfully, or hunters beat them to death.

There would be united outrage if people from council estates began rampaging about the country side killing wildlife as the elites do. Britannia always waives the rules for the privileged few – let’s hope it doesn’t add the right to hunt for sadistic pleasure as a protected characteristic.

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