Letter from Mark Etkind, son of a survivor of the Lodz Ghetto and various concentration camps, and co-organiser of Holocaust survivors and descendants against the Gaza genocide.
Yvette Cooper [Home Secretary] has claimed that the harsh policing of Saturday’s Palestine demo was about protecting Jews. But can that be true when the delegation that tried walking to the BBC included Jews – including the 89-year old Holocaust survivor, Stephen Kapos, seen in the photograph above, on the left?
Here is a video and a still photo of what was happening just before Chris Nineham, [the chief steward of the march was arrested.
Can what Cooper says be true when myself, and others of Jewish heritage, were repeatedly threatened with arrest on that day?
Can what Cooper says be true when, at one point, police specifically blocked Jewish protesters from marching in Whitehall? See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH4WzFZdYRs and https://x.com/AquaVerde33/status/1880965213392076812
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