By Michael Roberts The UK prime minister Boris Johnson is currently in danger of losing his job because of the blatant flouting by him and
Category: Britain Archive

The fundamental class nature of the Tory government will be brought home to the majority of the population in the coming months. Many of those,

Letter from Bob Edwards, Harlow Labour member Dear editor, I’ve just listened to one hour of drivel on BBC Radio 4. It was about whether

By Andy Fenwick, Worcester South Labour Party At a recent Worcester CLP meeting it was announced that voter registration was up on the previous year.

By John Pickard The fiftieth anniversary of Bloody Sunday is today. In Derry, on January 30, 1972, thirteen unarmed people were shot dead by British

By Mark Langabeer, Hastings and Rye Labour member Now, I must confess, I’d never heard of Brewdog until watching the BBC Scotland documentary, Disclosure, on

It is entirely understandable that the public should be outraged about the partying in Ten Downing Street, when the big majority of the population were

Ray Goodspeed (Leyton and Wanstead CLP) In the last couple of weeks, the government has suffered a series of embarrassing defeats in the House of

By Andy Fenwick, Worcester South Labour member Whilst going through some internet files I came across a documentary on the fire at Windscale in Cumbria,

Thirty years on: Northern Irish trade unions campaigned against sectarian violence
By Harry Hutchinson, Mid Ulster Trades Council. This month marks the thirty year anniversary of the milestone campaign of the Mid Ulster Trades Council against