The new Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, is making strenuous efforts to distance himself, at least in words, from the policies of his two predecessors, Amber
Category: Editorial Archive
The threatening escalation of the war in Syria, by means of American, French and British air strikes, is a matter of grave concern to socialists
The data amassed by Facebook and the alleged use of this by the secretive Cambridge Analytica company has raised important issues for Labour and trade union activists.
Right-wing Labour MPs are falling over themselves to get on TV and into the media to condemn Jeremy Corbyn for his stance on the Russian
Socialists have long argued that the international austerity regime of the last ten years has been designed with the express purpose of shifting income and
Two elections results in Europe have resulted in two significant setbacks for the workers’ movement. In Germany, the membership of the Social Democratic Party voted
This week’s edition of the Local Government Chronicle has a feature article, written by the editor, entitled Momentum in Haringey: the new Militant in Liverpool? It is very pertinent
The crisis in the Tory Party is moving it ever closer to a formal parliamentary split as the more intensive Brexit negotiations with the EU
At this time of year, many Constituency Labour Parties and Labour ward meetings are beginning the process of selection of candidates for local government elections
The bad music of the 1980s is making a return. That’s not a reference to Duran Duran or Boy George but the fact that we are hearing the same the