Plans to ditch Cameron-era NHS reforms must not lead to more privatisation By Jackie Williams Unite national officer for health The government’s plans to jettison
Category: Britain

by Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour member A number of Labour movement organisations and other groups are to come together to form the Zero Covid

By Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour Member As many as 750,000 renters in Britain are behind on their rent. This figure has increased by 450,000

By John Pickard Just about the only part of the Tories’ coronavirus strategy that even approaches ‘world beating’ seems to be the vaccination programme –

By Eamon McCann From the Irish-based website “The Catholic Church deserves to be burdened with most of the blame. But lay people of secure
LETTER from Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour member Doing the rounds on social media, there is a picture of over two hundred people queuing at

By Chris Robinson, North West Durham Labour member I recently joked on social media that I owed Keir Starmer an apology, for questioning his leadership

Inherited wealth and land should be public property Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth II, is so fond of her loyal subjects that she is determined

By Mark Langabeer, Newton Abbot Labour member The claim that Britain is ‘full’ is a popular refrain in right-wing circles. The expression is not new. I

By Mic Craig, Labour Party NI (expelled) “Checks on animal and food products at Larne and Belfast ports have been suspended amid concerns for staff